Thrive in a Safe Body: The Science of Stored Trauma, Overwhelm and Reclaiming Aliveness
Encore Weekend: September 13 - 15, 2024

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Enhanced Pass

$ 19
Upgrade Now
  • Access to videos, worksheets, and assessments with no 24-hour limit (access available from September 5 to 9 only)
  • Over 15 hours of session recordings from world-leading health and trauma experts
  • Digital transcripts for all sessions, allowing you to review, take notes, and download them for offline use

Transformation Pass

$ 49
  • Unlimited access to videos, worksheets, and assessments even after the summit ends.
  • Over 15 hours of session recordings from world-leading health and trauma experts
  • Digital transcripts for all sessions, allowing you to review, take notes, and download them for offline use
  • BONUS: Masterclass with Dr. Gabor Maté - “Lessons Learned from the Top Trauma-Disease Physicians in the World”
  • BONUS: Guided Somatic Exercises For Stored Emotions (7 Exercises To Get You Started Now)
    - This is a self-paced course with exercises to explore and release emotions behind pain, fatigue, and chronic conditions
  • BONUS: The Freeze Response Video Library (31 videos on understanding the freeze response, how it starts, and how to work with it.)
Most Popular

Foundations Pass

  • Watch each day’s content for 24 hours only
  • No transcripts or permanent access
  • No bonus masterclass, course and video library

Why would you want transcripts?​

Look at all this combined knowledge!

3 Ways to Know Your Body Is Stuck in a Trauma Response & What to Do About It

Dr. Aimie Apigian: CEO, Founder of Trauma Healing Accelerated and the Biology of Trauma® methodology

Polyvagal Theory and the Freeze Response

Dr. Stephen Porges: American psychologist and neuroscientist, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Director of the Kinsey Institute Traumatic Stress Research Consortium at Indiana University Bloomington

The One Thing the Freeze Response Needs

Arielle Schwartz: Licensed clinical psychologist, EMDR Therapy consultant, somatic psychotherapist, and certified yoga instructor and author of EMDR Therapy and Somatic Psychology

Parts and Chronic Illness

Richard Schwartz: American systemic family therapist, academic, author, and creator of the Internal Family Systems branch of therapy

Attachment Tension and Authenticity

Dr. Gabor Maté: Renowned addiction expert, sought after speaker-author and expert on trauma, addiction, stress and childhood development

Why would you want access anytime?

Just look as how much content there is!

Day 1: Biology of Freeze and Overwhelm: How the Body Experiences Trauma

  • Polyvagal Theory and the Freeze Response – Interview with Dr. Steve Porges
  • 3 Ways to Know Your Body Is Stuck in a Trauma Response & What to Do About It – Masterclass with Dr. Aimie
  • The Freeze Response: Authenticity, Trauma, and Healing Through Connection – Interview with Dr. Peter Levine
  • 🔎 Case Study: Recognizing the Freeze Response in an Individual – With Dr. Aimie
  • Guided Exercise: Somatic and Parts Work
  • 📚 Handouts:
    • The Biology of Trauma® Framework
    • An Example Biology of Trauma® Supplement Protocol for Overwhelm

Day 2: How to Recognize Stored Trauma - Freeze, Patterns & Diseases

  • How to Recognize and Work with the Specific Freeze Response Pattern: Global High-Intensity Activation – Advanced Training with Dr. Aimie
  • Presentation of Clients with Global High-Intensity Activation – Training with Biology of Trauma® Professionals
  • The One Thing the Freeze Response Needs – Interview with Dr. Arielle Schwartz
  • Guiding a Course Member into and through Their Freeze – Demo with Dr. Aimie
  • 🔎 Case Study: Assessing Attachment-Related Trauma
  • 📚 Handouts:
    • Steps to Identify and Heal Trauma
    • Trauma and Parts of Us: Support While in Freeze/Overwhelm

Day 3: Conditions Associated with the Freeze Response

  • The Link Between Attachment and Autoimmunity – Masterclass with Dr. Aimie
  • Attachment and IBS – Advanced Level of Training with Dr. Aimie
  • 🔎 Case Study: Somatic and Parts Work Integration for Attachment Pain
  • When the Body Says No – 2-Hour Guided Parts Narrative Workshop
  • Parts and Chronic Illness – Interview with Dr. Dick Schwartz
  • 📚 Handouts:
    • Nervous System Journal with Instructions on How to Complete
    • Attachment Trauma Roadmap

Day 4: The Trauma Healing Journey - Biology of Trauma® Repair Tools

  • Attachment Pains and Adaptive Parts – Masterclass with Dr. Aimie
  • Working with the Trauma/Dorsal Vagal Response – Experiential Somatic Session with Dr. Arielle Schwartz
  • Attachment Tension and Authenticity – Interview with Dr. Gabor Mate
  • Brain Chemistry & Inflammation as a Contribution to the Freeze Response – Training with Dr. Aimie
  • 🔎 Case Study: Assessing Attachment Patterns for Freeze Response with Biology of Trauma® Professionals
  • 📚 Handouts:
    • Brain Inflammation Assessment
    • Brain Inflammation Fullscript Protocol
    • 4 NARMs Assessment Form

Day 5: The First Step - Building Regulation Through Somatic and Parts Work

  • The Essential Sequence to Addressing Stored Trauma in the Body – Masterclass with Dr. Aimie 
  • How to Rewire the Nervous System on a Cellular Level – Interview with Irene Lyon
  • The 3 Elements to Build and Expand Your Nervous System’s Capacity – Training with Dr. Aimie
  • Why You Should Consider Magnesium as a First Step – Practitioner Training with Dr. Aimie
  • Masterclass with Dr. Arielle Schwartz: Where to Start with Somatic and Parts Work
  • 🔎 Case Study: Creating a Plan Through the Lens of the Biology of Trauma® Framework Within Your Scope of Practice
  • 📚 Handout:
    • The Essential Sequence

Enhanced Pass

$ 19
Upgrade Now
  • Access to videos, worksheets, and assessments with no 24-hour limit (access available from September 5 to 9 only)
  • Over 15 hours of session recordings from world-leading health and trauma experts
  • Digital transcripts for all sessions, allowing you to review, take notes, and download them for offline use

Transformation Pass

$ 49
  • Unlimited access to videos, worksheets, and assessments even after the summit ends.
  • Over 15 hours of session recordings from world-leading health and trauma experts
  • Digital transcripts for all sessions, allowing you to review, take notes, and download them for offline use
  • BONUS: Masterclass with Dr. Gabor Maté - “Lessons Learned from the Top Trauma-Disease Physicians in the World”
  • BONUS: Guided Somatic Exercises For Stored Emotions (7 Exercises To Get You Started Now)
    - This is a self-paced course with exercises to explore and release emotions behind pain, fatigue, and chronic conditions
  • BONUS: The Freeze Response Video Library (31 videos on understanding the freeze response, how it starts, and how to work with it.)
Most Popular

Foundations Pass

  • Watch each day’s content for 24 hours only
  • No transcripts or permanent access
  • No bonus masterclass, course and video library

Thrive in a Safe Body:

The Science of Stored Trauma, Overwhelm and Reclaiming Aliveness

September 5-9, 2024