The Biology of Trauma Summit 4.0 begins May 1, 2024

Hosted by

Dr. Aimie Apigian

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Unlock the power of the body’s healing ability after trauma has become our biology with the Biology of Trauma Summit 4.0. Designed to ignite personal and professional growth, this comprehensive Summit is tailored for health and wellness professionals seeking innovative approaches to address trauma’s biological roots.

Join me as we delve into cutting-edge strategies, empowering you to integrate holistic methodologies, enhance client outcomes, and elevate your practice to new heights of well-being and success.

The Holistic Health Practitioner's Guide to Trauma: New Frontiers in Healing

Join us as we pave the way for a new era of holistic health, where continuous learning, innovation, and a deep commitment to addressing root causes drive meaningful change.

Together, we’ll embark on a journey of discovery, empowerment, and transformation as we navigate the path towards mastering the holistic healing methodology that is the Biology of Trauma®.

Meet Your Summit Host

Aimie Apigian, MD, MS, MPH

Aimie Apigian, MD, MS, MPH is a double board-certified physician and leading expert on the Biology of Trauma®. With two Master’s degrees in Biochemistry and Public Health, Dr. Apigian is an authoritative voice in the intersection of functional medicine and trauma therapy.

Dr. Apigian’s diverse expertise spans neuro-autoimmunity, nutrition, and genetics for addictions, mental health, mood, and behavioral disorders. She also holds several certifications in various trauma therapies, including the Instinctual Trauma Response Model, Somatic Experiencing, and NeuroAffective Touch.

However, Dr. Apigian is not only an accomplished professional but a survivor. Her passion for trauma healing was born from personal experiences: adopting 4-year-old Miguel from the California foster care system and surviving her own severe health crash and burnout. These challenges taught her what she didn’t learn in medical school – to differentiate between stress and trauma in the body and to assist the body in healing itself.

With a vision to help one million individuals accelerate their trauma healing journey, Dr. Apigian aims to bring the biology piece of trauma work to every medical and mental health education system globally by 2041. Her wisdom and experiences, professional and personal, have shaped her unique approach, providing the missing piece of trauma healing.

Thank you so much for your interest!

The Attachment – Health Connection Summit is over but we will be back with more exciting content soon.