Healing Hearts & Healing Bodies: Unlocking the Attachment - Health Connection May 16-22, 2024
Encore Weekend: May 31 - June 2

Healing Hearts & Healing Bodies: Unlocking the Attachment - Health Connection May 16-22, 2024

Encore Weekend: May 31 - June 2

Healing Hearts & Healing Bodies: Unlocking the Attachment - Health Connection May 16-22, 2024

Encore Weekend: May 31 - June 2

A Free, Virtual Summit.

The purpose of this summit:

To empower you with effective solutions for stored attachment wounds in the mind, heart and body.

I’ve designed this summit to give you the knowledge, skills and integrative tools to have practical action steps for rewiring a biology of fear and insecurity from early life.

Each day, you get access to expert interviews, training, clinical case studies, assessment forms, experiential exercises and more. These will be practical tools and techniques that you can apply in your own life and in your practice (for professionals).

This isn't your typical summit! Here's why:

-Not one approach is featured, but an integration of 3 approaches to address mind, heart and body

-Not just learning, but experiential guided exercises are included

-Not just focused on the mind or emotions. The largest focus is on The Biology of Attachment Trauma

-Not just general information. Specific training on health conditions like autoimmunity, digestive disorders, etc.

-Not just interviews. Case studies and assessments are shared.

You can't get this anywhere else!

Gain Insight From
World-Leading Experts

Meet Your Speakers

Attachment and Neurodevelopment Trainings, Case Studies and Guided Exercises

Dr. Aimie Apigian: CEO, Founder of Trauma Healing Accelerated and the Biology of Trauma® methodology

Grief, Trauma and When and Why the Body Says No

Gabor Maté: Renowned addiction expert, speaker and author

Attachment Stored in the Tissues, Syndromes, and Somatic Experiencing

Peter Levine: Founder of Somatic Experiencing

Parts and Chronic Illness

Dick Schwartz: American systemic family therapist, academic, author, and creator of the Internal Family Systems branch of therapy

Polyvagal Theory and Attachment

Stephen Porges: American psychophysiologst, founder of the Polyvagal Theory and creator of the Safe and Sound Protocol

The Biology of Secure Attachment

Diane Poole-Heller: Therapist, author, and leading expert in Adult Attachment Theory and Models, trauma resolution, and integrative healing

Chronic Functional Freeze from Common Childhood Parenting Mistakes

Irene Lyon: Nervous system specialist and somatic neuroplasticity expert

Applied Neuroscience For Creating An Immediate Sense of Safety After Fear & Loss

Jodi Cohen: Bestselling author, award-winning journalist, functional practitioner and founder of Vibrant Blue Oils

Metabolic Chaos as a Result of Chronic Stress and Trauma from Childhood

Reed Davis: Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and Certified Nutritional Therapist

Attachment, Childhood, Chronic Fatigue

Alex Howard: Author and Chairman of The Optimum Health Clinic

Summit Schedule

Day 1: Biology of Attachment Foundation

  • “The 3 Critical Gaps From Early Childhood You May Be Missing- Attachment, Neurodevelopment, and How To Recognize and Fix What Went Wrong” – Training with Dr. Aimie
  • “The Stored Muscle Memory Of Powerlessness” – Interview with Peter Levine! Available to view for Transformation Pass May 6, 2024.
  • “The Rope Test” – A simple test for attachment style with Dr. Aimie
  • “Assessing Attachment-Related Trauma” – Case Study Training with a Biology of Trauma® Professional and Dr. Aimie
  • Global High Intensity Activation – With Biology of Trauma® Professional, Laura Bautista

Day 2: Early Dysregulation

  • “Polyvagal Theory and Attachment” – Interview with Stephen Porges 
  • “How I Numbed My Feelings After Childhood Trauma and Attachment Patterns” – A brief video with Dr. Aimie
  • “Chronic Functional Freeze from Common Childhood Parenting Mistakes” – Interview with Irene Lyon
  • “Early Life Heart Shocks, Impact on Mind, Body and Parts” – Training with Dr. Aimie
  • “How To Differentiate Between A Strong Pull To The Freeze Response vs. GHIA” – Dr. Aimie
  • “Presentation of Clients with Global High Intensity Action” – Training with Biology of Trauma® Professionals, Becky Dawson and Anne Connor

Day 3: Neurodevelopment and Attachment

  • “The Link Between Attachment and Autoimmunity” – Training with Dr. Aimie
  • “Assessing Neurodevelopmental Gaps & Tummy Time” – Training with Dr. Aimie
  • “Tummy Crawl Assessment” – Case Study with Dr. Aimie
  • “The Biology of Secure Attachment” – Interview with Diane Poole-Heller
  • “Supporting the Level Midbrain” – Training with Biology of Trauma® Professionals Becky Dawson and Anne Connor

Day 4: Attachment and Chronic Illness

  • “Attachment and IBS” – Training of Advanced Professional Students with Dr. Aimie
  • “Metabolic Chaos as a Result of Chronic Stress and Trauma from Childhood” – Interview with Reed Davis
  • “Attachment, Childhood, Chronic Fatigue” – Interview with Alex Howard
  • “6 Attachment Pains and Their Common Health Issues” – Attachment Module Training with Dr. Aimie
  • “Parts and Chronic Illness” – Interview with Dick Schwartz

Day 5: Attachment, Grief and Parts

  • “Grief and Attachment Trauma” – The most challenging types of grief (attachment, absent) – Grief Training with Dr. Aimie
  • “Grief and Trauma” – Interview with Gabor Maté
  • “Grief Parts Work” – A Session with a Biology of Trauma® Advanced Professional in Training, Kimberly Erickson
  • “Attachment Pains and Adaptive Parts” – All Parts Of Me Training with Dr. Aimie 
  • “Using the NARM Style Assessments to Assess Trauma Patterns” – Case Study with Dr. Aimie

Day 6: Attachment and the Body

  • “Overview of Attachment Adaptations” with Dr. Aimie
  • “Cravings and Addictions Equal Insights to out Biochemistry” – Mentor Hours for Advanced Professionals with Dr. Aimie
  • “Emotional Eating and Grief and Attachment” – Mentor Hours for Advanced Professionals with Dr. Aimie
  • “Applied Neuroscience For Creating An Immediate Sense of Safety After Fear & Loss” – Interview with Jodi Cohen
  • “Working with Syndromes through Somatic Experiencing” – Interview with Peter Levine
  • “Guiding a Mind-Body Dialogue in the Somatic Attachment Workshop” – Somatic Exercise with Dr. Aimie
  • “#1 Supplement to Consider for Attachment Issues” – with Dr. Aimie

Day 7: Integration for Healing Attachment Trauma

  • “Trauma Work & Window of Tolerance” – Training with Biology of Trauma Professionals Becky Dawson and Anne Connor
  • “The 3 Elements to Increasing Capacity” – Training with Dr. Aimie
  • “The Essential Sequence to Addressing Stored Trauma in the Body” – with Dr. Aimie
  • “Learn When and Why the Body Says No” – Interview with Gabor Maté

Meet Your Summit Host

Aimie Apigian, MD, MS, MPH

Double-board certified physician in Preventive and Addiction Medicine with double Master’s degrees in biochemistry and public health, Dr. Aimie Apigian is
the leading medical expert on how trauma becomes our biology and what to do once it creates a chronic health condition.

Yet her inspiration comes from her personal experiences. Becoming a foster parent and adopting during medical school, and then experiencing her own health crisis in her early 30s, she has been on a journey to find practical tools and solutions, beyond the diagnoses, pills, and traditional therapies that weren’t addressing the root problem.

She now hosts a podcast, a YouTube channel, and online Summits working closely with experts in the health and trauma space. She speaks around the
world, leads groups through her programs to address stored trauma in the body, and teaches practitioners to do the same in her Biology of Trauma® online

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The Attachment – Health Connection Summit is over but we will be back with more exciting content soon.